Using SQL Mode
In this article, we will learn how to use Infinity's SQL Mode to create charts. This mode allows you to write SQL queries directly rather than relying on Infinity's query builder tool.
If you recall, the initial stages of the chart creation process involves connecting to a database, selecting a table within that database and using the drag-drop query builder functionality to extract the result set.
However, if you are working with highly distributed datasets that involve complex business rules an multi-step aggregation, you may want to directly use SQL to query, join, and aggregate the underlying data.
Creating a chart in SQL mode
Editing a chart in SQL mode
If you previously created a chart using the query builder tool, you can edit the chart in SQL mode. While switching from query builder to SQL mode, Infinity automatically generates the equivalent SQL query so you don't lose any of the work you did.
Please note that the change to SQL mode is irreversible. Meaning, once you start a chart in SQL mode (or) switch an existing chart to SQL mode, you will not be able to return to the query builder mode.
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