Expandable Table Chart

This article will explain how to create and customize an Expandable Table Chart. So let's get started!

An Expandable table chart is a type of chart that is used to display data in a hierarchical structure, with the ability to expand and collapse individual rows to show or hide additional details.

These charts can be helpful for understanding the distribution of data across different levels of the hierarchy. They can also be used to communicate the data to stakeholders or team members and to allow them to easily explore the details of the data by expanding and collapsing individual rows.

Here is an example of an expandable table chart with some sample data:

This chart shows the population in two different countries at different hierarchies. You can click on the arrow (or accordion) in each row to see the underlying data at the next hierarchical level.

Sample data:

How-to build a line chart?

  1. Navigate to Add New Chart screen

  2. Configure and customize the chart to create the desired visualization.

Expandable Table chart configuration:

To create a table chart with expandable rows, you need to map your hierarchical data to the dimension(s) and the metric you want to see. In this example, country, state, and county are mapped to the dimension(s), and the population is mapped to the metric. This will allow you to drill down from the country level to the county-level data, as the chart will automatically aggregate the data at each level.

It is important to note that the raw data should be at the least granular level, as shown in the sample data. In this case, each row of data represents the population at the county level, with the hierarchies identified (i.e., the states and countries that these counties belong to).

Expandable Table chart customization options

Infinity offers many customization options for your expandable table chart. To access these options, click on the customize tab in the chart builder screen. This will display a list of customization options.

Here is a list of notable customization options for the line chart.

Some useful tips for creating table charts with expandable rows include:

  1. Start by identifying the data that you want to display.

  2. Determine the appropriate hierarchy for the data, based on the level of detail that you want to display.

  3. Use clear and concise labels for each level of the hierarchy.

  4. Use a clear and consistent formatting style for the table.

  5. Make sure that the chart has the ability to expand and collapse individual rows to show or hide additional details.

  6. Use the chart to identify areas for improvement or areas where progress is being made towards a goal or target.

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