Area Chart

In this article, we will explain how to create and customize an Area chart. So let's get started!

An area chart is a graphical representation of data that uses a series of data points connected by straight lines and is filled in with a color or pattern. Area charts are similar to line charts, but the area between the line and the x-axis is filled in to create a visual representation of the data.

Here is an example of an area chart with three data series and sample data:

In this example, an area chart with three data series is used to show the trend in sales by region over a period of time (e.g., months or years). The x-axis represents time, and the y-axis represents the total sales for each time period. The chart includes three data series: sales in North America (represented by a dotted line and area filled in blue), sales in Europe (represented by a solid line and area filled in green), and sales in Asia (represented by a solid line and area filled in yellow).

Sample data:

Time PeriodSales - North America ($)Sales - Europe ($)Sales - Asia ($)

Jan 2020




Feb 2020




Mar 2020




Apr 2020




May 2020




Jun 2020




How-to build an area chart?

  1. Navigate to Add New Chart screen

  2. Configure and customize the chart to create the desired visualization.

Area chart configuration:

1) The configuration shown illustrates how to map the time period on the x axis and the sales on the y axis in order to generate the line chart.

2) To customize the appearance of an area chart, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Customize" tab

  2. Go to "Series" and select the desired data series

  3. Select the desired customization options, such as color, line type, line thickness, point shape, point size, data points, dual axes representation, and more

This allows you to tailor the appearance of the chart to your specific needs and preferences. You can customize a variety of options to create a chart that effectively communicates your data and insights.

Area charts with multiple data series are often used to compare trends and patterns in data over time, particularly when the data comes from different sources or categories.


  • Clearly label the x-axis and y-axis, including units of measurement if applicable

  • Use a consistent scale for the y-axis to accurately compare data points

  • Consider using a legend to label multiple data series on the same chart

  • Use a clear and concise title to describe the data being displayed

  • Avoid cluttering the chart with too much data or unnecessary elements

  • Use a meaningful and appropriate time scale for the x-axis (e.g. days, weeks, months, years)

  • Use different line styles and fill patterns to distinguish between data series

Area chart customization options:

Infinity offers many customization options for your chart. To access these options, click on the customize tab in the chart builder screen. This will display a list of customization options.

Here is a list of notable customization options for the line chart.



To create an aggregation, click on the data series chip in the data mapping section and choose the desired aggregation.

There are various aggregation options available based on the data type.

Renaming the Data Series

To rename a data series, click on the data series chip in the data mapping section. A pop-up will appear, allowing you to change the name and any aggregation options.

Dual Axes or Right hand Axes

To enable dual axes, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customization tab.

  • Click on series.


To change the titles, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customization tab.

  • Click on the horizontal (or) vertical axes.

  • Proceed to change the titles.

Chart Background

To change the chart background, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customization tab.

  • Click on the chart background.

  • Proceed to selecting the desired color.

Padding and Zoom

To change the padding and zoom, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customization tab.

  • Click on the padding and zoom accordion.

  • Proceed to customize the padding and zoom attributes for your chart.


To customize the legend, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customization tab.

  • Click on the legend accordion.

  • The platform offers four legend options: top, bottom, right, or none.

  • You can also configure the legend font here.


To customize the axes, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customize tab.

  • Select the desired axes (horizontal for X, vertical for Y, and right vertical for secondary Y).

  • Proceed to changing the title, fonts, labels, order of axes, scale, or even add formatting such as $ or %.


To change the grid lines, follow these steps:

  • Click on the customize tab.

  • Select the gridlines accordion.

  • Select the orientation (i.e. vertical or horizontal).

Last updated